Instill the foundational understanding and framework to be who you truly are & achieve whatever you want in life

The Know Thyself Mastermind Program is a group coaching container aimed at giving you the tools to create your dream life, from the inside out.

The Course is 8 weeks long with 8 group zoom calls, including a guided breathwork journey, growth work & community interaction.


Group Coaching

  • 2 Month Group Coaching focused on Self Realization & Self Actualization

  • eight 60 minute group zoom calls with André

  • Guided Breathwork Journey & Growth Work

  • Community chat

Self Realization

Waking up beyond the illusory nature of the minds projections and tapping back into your innate essence which is inherently pregnant with love, abundance and freedom.

Breaking free from the constraints you’ve gathered. Dissolving any disempowering beliefs about yourself and misperceptions about reality that are preventing you from experiencing clarity, lightness and peace in your every day life.

Self Actualization

Getting clarity on your individual gifts, strengths, values, desires, goals and visoneering the ideal life you want to build for yourself, and why.

Once we have clarity on what it is you truly want (not just what you thought you wanted), we then reverse engineer a gameplan to take action and actualize it into your life.

Life is about both discovering yourself and creating yourself. Time spent on self-actualization is about how to craft the life for yourself that feels most exciting to you.

Live & Recorded Meetings

All meetings are held over zoom, and are recorded if you miss the session.


Gather all of the insights and tools necessary for you to live your most authentically expressed and liberated life.

  • What is at the root of our suffering? Why do challenges and problems seem to keep arising?

  • The balance between non-dualism and psychotherapy. Truths about the laws of nature. How to find harmony with life and release resistance.

  • “Who am I, and what am I made of?” Self-Inquiry and reflection on the nature of self. Who we have mistaken ourselves to be. A guided meditative experience.

  • A guided holotropic breathwork journey that will knock your socks off.

  • This module is all about crafting the vision for the ideal life you want for yourself, the power of our imagination and how to find natural alignment with abundance.

  • This module is designed to instill the foundational understanding and framework to achieve whatever you want in life. Core principles that will transform your reality when applied.

  • What to expect on the journey of becoming an awakened creator. Understanding the forces of motivation, discipline, momentum and the compound effect.

  • Becoming process oriented & integrating all that we have learned in the mastermind. Group Discussion.